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网址  2022-01-05  作者:admin    阅读:

出入口门禁系统顾名思义就是对出入口通道进行管制的系统,它是在传统的门锁基础上发展而来的。传统的机械门锁仅仅是单纯的机械装置,无论结构设计多么合理,材料多么坚固,人们总能用通过各种手段把它打开。在出入人很多的通道(像办公室,酒店客房)钥匙的管理很麻烦,钥匙丢失或人员更换都要把锁和钥匙一起更换。为了解决这些问题,就出现了电子磁卡锁,电子密码锁,这两种锁的出现从一定程度上提高了人们对出入口通道的管理程度,使通道管理进入了电子时代,但随着这两种电子锁的不断应用,它们本身的缺陷就逐渐暴露,磁卡锁的问题是信息容易铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件复制,卡片与读卡机具之间磨损大,故障率高,安全系数低。密码锁的问题是密码容易泄露,又无从查起,安全系数很低。同时这个时期的产品由于大多采用读卡部分(密码输入)与控制部分合在一起安装在门外,很容易被人在室外打开锁。这个时期的门禁系统还停留在早期不成熟阶段,因此当时的门禁系统通常被人称为电子锁,应用也不广泛。
As the name implies, access control system is a system that controls access. It is developed on the basis of traditional door locks. Traditional mechanical door lock is only a simple mechanical device. No matter how reasonable the structure design and material are, people can always open it by various means. The key management of access channels (such as offices and hotel rooms) with a large number of visitors is very troublesome. If the key is lost or personnel are replaced, the lock and key should be replaced together. In order to solve these problems, there are electronic magnetic lock and electronic password lock. The emergence of these two kinds of locks improves the management of access channels to a certain extent, and makes the channel management enter the electronic age. But with the continuous application of these two kinds of electronic locks, their own defects are gradually exposed, magnetic lock. The problem is that the information is easy to copy, the wear and tear between the card and the reader is large, the failure rate is high, and the safety factor is low. The problem with password locks is that passwords are easy to leak, and there is no way to find them out. The security factor is very low. At the same time, most of the products in this period were installed outside the door with the card reading part (password input) and the control part, so it was easy to be unlocked outdoors. In this period, the access control system still stayed in the early immature stage, so the access control system at that time was usually called electronic lock, and was not widely used.
